“What secrets do the city’s sewers hold?”
“You probably want me to talk about ninja turtles or some right? Haha. Listen, at first I hated the smells down there. But after a while, it started to smell good, almost like someone was cooking dinner. Maybe it’s all the grease floating around? It’s weird but it started making my stomach growl. Even though I was all alone I would be embarrassed because yo that s#%t’s nasty like bro why is your stomach growling? You’re in the sewer surrounded by s#%t!
Well, one day down there when my belly was rumbling from the grease smells and I was hungry af, a big-ass, doodoo-butter-covered rat jumped out and confronted me. And you know what? I ate him.
Not gonna lie, he tasted really good. Lately I’ve been spending more of my work hours down there eating stuff than doing my job.”